I am so with you about feeling like the world has been devoured by evil. It's so tempting for us Dreamers to become cynics. But we understand that if we don't have hope, we don't have anything. Thank Goddess for moments like this inmy clip[.
The driver realized I was foreign and took a few seconds out of his time to gift me with a gesture of kindness. His attempt to read in English was heartwarming. The little small gesture gave me a jolt and boosted my 'HOPE' juice. Dreamers - we are a small but strong army. Nothing will deter us from our belief that love conquers. Love lives. Everyone in the world is the same, despite our differences, because we all want the same thing - love, peace, and good health for ourselves and our loved ones. But that's not what we mostly see in the media. But we know differently, don't we, Foxies?
Your Student, Teacher, and Friend