Say it with me now- TGIF! Thank Goddess I'm Foxy!! it's friday...yeah!! And i just finsihed my gift for you, right in the Nick of time for Womens Day Tommorrow.
But because you are my faithful blog readers, i am giving it to you first be before posting it on my social media. CLICK HERE FOR THE LINK
I've combined two of my absolute favorite things—"cocktails and conversation"—to create my new ebook, "Small Talk with Sex and the City & Moxie's Martinis." Whenever I travel, I love trying out new martinis, and I've gathered my top 50 favorites in alphabetical order just for you! Plus, I've sprinkled in some thought-provoking questions about life, dating, family, and more, all inspired by memorable clips from Sex and the City.
As you celebrate Women's Month with your friends, take my ebook along and see how it ignites the conversation. Just a heads up, combining cocktails and conversations from this book has ignited a few fires that were tough to smother. But that might not be a bad thing, depending on your perspective, right? Share your thoughts on the experience. Happy Women's Month, and have a wonderful weekend!
Your Student, Teacher, and Friend,