What's your relationship with Money? I grew up with the belief that money is the root of all evil; rich people are greedy, and money can´t buy happiness. Well, speaking as a person who lived in her car, I can testify that all of those beliefs are myths. False. Absolutely incorrect.
Anytime I ever received a gift of a lifetime that has eternally altered my destiny for the better, it was from a wealthy person. I have been blessed twice to experience that level of financial- gift-giving. And each time it was offered me from their heart. I would never dare to ask for such a pretty penny. Those experiences shattered every baseless, negative word that I was taught against money.
Financial classes should be a requirement to pass to the next grade in school. These would be my first two lessons, as Professor Moxie, Ph.D., Foxy; Financial MDDS.
Permanently put yourself on the payroll. Respecting yourself to the point of paying yourself first is the kind of self-love I strive to master. This will be my third year trying to reach my financial goal. I give myself a bit of grace for 2024 because life was mentally topsy-turvy. But I also know that I should be a bit further than I am, which brings me to lesson number two.
Poor people can't afford to sweat. If you don't have enough money to stop working for the rest of your life, then you don't have time to sweat the small stuff.
Tithe for Life. In church or religions, to tithe means to give a tenth of all of your earnings to the church. But in the church of Life, it can be any amount you like. My charity of choice changes, depending on my mood. But it's always a humanitarian or animal-based foundation.
I shamelessly wish everyone an overflow of abundant, ridiculous amounts of wealth. Cha Ching, Foxys!
Your Student, Teacher, Friend.
I love the freedom that comes with money. more money, more freedom