Say it with me, Nah- "TGIF! Thank Goddess I'm Foxy!" Welcome to the end of yet another successful week. I hit a few snags this week. Everything is fine at the moment. But here is what I did to keep my mood elevated on those days that were the most troubling.
I play this little game I like to call "Ten in Ten". I make myself name 10 specific things I am thankful for; then ten seconds to name the top 10 moments of my life; or top 10 songs by Prince... The list changes, depending on the situation. It doesn't cure my mood, but it does help me sort of put the situation in perspective; it calms me down so I can think clearly; but most of all, it helps to protect my mental state.
I have a few more games that I speak about in my book "How to Throw the Perfect Pity Party." It's my new ebook I wrote about my journey to better health, while managing MDD (Major Depressive Disorder). Check it out when you get a chance. In the meantime, try my "Ten in Ten" game and let me know what you think. Happy Friday. Stay Foxy!